Twelfth Night


VIOLA, a lady of Messaline shipwrecked on the coast of Illyria (later disguised as CESARIO)

OLIVIA, an Illyrian countess

MARIA, her waiting-gentlewoman

SIR TOBY BELCH, Olivia’s kinsman

SIR ANDREW AGUECHEEK, Sir Toby’s companion

MALVOLIO, steward in Olivia’s household

FOOL, Olivia’s jester, named Feste

FABIAN, a gentleman in Olivia’s household

ORSINO, duke (or count) of Illyria

Gentlemen serving Orsino:



SEBASTIAN, Viola’s brother

ANTONIO, friend to Sebastian


Country: Illyria'

Time: a long long time ago in a galaxy not so far away

Places in Illyria: Orsino's Place, Olivia's place, the coast



Act 1 Scene 1

Scene 1.pdf

Weird Words

surfeiting = to not want to do something because you've done it too much.

hart = deer

pestilence = bugs and rats (pests)

cloistress = a nun

Act 1 Scene 2

Scene 2.pdf

Weird Words

Perchance = by some chance

provident = well prepared for the future

bachelor = single man

abjured = to renounce or retract a claim

beauteous = beautiful

prithee = please

eunuch = a male who has had parts of him removed that make him male.

Act 1 Scene 3

Scene 3.pdf

Weird Words

ducats = gold coin

prodigal = money waster

prudent = caring about the future

coistrel = someone mean

bearbaiting = making bears fight like Pokémon, but much bloodier.

distaff = a stick for spinning wool

masques = mask

galliard = a dance from the Renaissance era

mutton = sheep or ram meat.

Act 1 Scene 4

Scene 4.pdf

Weird Words

unclasped = open

clamorous = loud

rubious = dark red

semblative = resembling

barful = the amount of people in a bar

Act 1 Scene 5

Scene 5.pdf

Weird Words

resolute = determined

gaskins = the back of a horse leg (it's meaty)

syllogism = figuring stuff out

"cucullus non facit monachum" = Latin for "The cowl does not make the monk"

catechize = question someone

personage = person that's important to a point.

peascod = peapod

codling = young child fish

mollification = calm down

blent = blended

cantons = a state

parentage = who your parents are


Act 2 Scene 1


Weird Words

malignancy = being bad

distemper = to throw out of order

Act 2 Scene 2


Weird Words

peevishly = easily irritated

forbid = not allow

churlish = rude

thriftless = someone who spends a lot of money wastefully

Act 2 Scene 3


Weird Words

“diluculo surgere,” = 'to get up at dawn is most healthy'

Thou ’rt = You're

gracious fooling = a bunch of nonsense

equinoctial = passing the equinox; equinox = the time or date (twice each year) at which the sun crosses the celestial equator, when day and night are of approximately equal length (about September 22 and March 20).

impeticos = impocket = put in pocket

mellifluous = (of a voice or words) sweet or musical; pleasant to hear.

caterwauling = the shrieking and yowling made like a cat.

indignation = anger or annoyance provoked by what is perceived as unfair treatment.

Act 2 Scene 4


Weird Words

Act 2 Scene 5


Weird Words



